So. Much. Anticipation... This day will create stories your grand kids will hear.
I mentioned that I like to go BIG, right?
First: We race. The F1 track, Ferraris, Lamborghinis and adrenaline. Plenty of space to open things up.
Next: You're an Action Hero.
No, seriously. We'll take a helicopter from the F1 track to a special effects set.
There, you'll get a script, wardrobe, makeup and basic training.
We'll spend the afternoon flying in helicopters, blowing up cars, jumping out of 3rd story windows.
After you channel your inner-Van-Dame, we'll stretch out with the brew master and owner of an award winning brewery - because hero's deserve a cold beer... or two.
Now... you don't get ALL the details - That wouldn't be any no fun.
Wait - did I mention you'll walk away with evidence of your badassery?